

The Riverine Flotilla executes the generation and regeneration of the forces and capabilities of the composition, later handing them over gradually, in the form of non-homogeneous force packages, constituted in the River Task Group, to the Naval Operational Component for the gradual arrangement of strategic security and national defense devices.
When the conflict is triggered, it defends the river communications and supports the ground forces to prevent the forcing of the river and the lagoon area on the likely directions of action of the adversary.

Depending on the evolution and specifics of the crisis, the Riverine Flotilla can perform the following missions/deduced tasks:
• discouraging illegal actions on the river by active presence in river and land districts, on high risk routes;
• supervision of fluvial communications and adjacent to them, intervention in support of national authorities, to combat naval terrorism, piracy, prohibition of illicit traffic of dangerous goods;
• transport missions for the evacuation by water and land of Romanian citizens from high-risk areas;
• monitoring river traffic and adjacent to it, collecting and transmitting data to the echelon;
• the protection of river and land communication routes, ports and transport ships with important loads;
• the annihilation of terrorist actions in the Danube Delta and on the river, in the area of responsibility;
• combating surface combat ships and other forces, for national defense.

Joint missions/tasks:
• participation in the prohibition of forcing the Danube;
• securing the flank of the ground troops' combat device;
• their artillery fire support;
• the transport and fire support of the tactical fluvial landing/ensuring the safety of a convoy.